How a reflexology style foot massage can help your special needs child
FRT - Functional Reflex Therapy
This is a marvellous therapy based on a very simplified version of reflexology foot massage. It was developed by the inspirational Lorraine Senior to benefit children on the autistic spectrum and with other special needs. It's very calming and relaxing, so excellent for children (and adults) who have issues particularly with transitioning from one activity to another. It's also very effective for children who have problems sleeping or getting back to sleep. I love it because I teach it to parents and carers, so that they then have the skills to effect a positive change for their children. It is relaxing to give as well as receive and helps with bonding. I teach it either as one to one or in small classes over two sessions.
As well as being great for children, I have found that FRT techniques are useful for everyone so I am expanding the teaching to anyone who would like to learn how to offer a simple, effective but targeted foot massage for their loved ones. It's great for relaxation, so if your husband/wife/partner/teenager/child or parent is stressed or bugging you for a foot rub, this is the perfect simple class - again run over two sessions.
Be aware that the classes are taught on real feet, so either come with a partner/friend (not a child with special needs) or be prepared to handle someone's feet! I promise it isn't that bad!
Please contact me for more details of either a one-to-one session or the next class
I am still available for fabulous reflexology - the one of the best things for stress relief, pain relief, hormone rebalancing and all round good health, homeopathy for anything that ails you and neurodevelopment therapy for developmental problems - more on all of those coming soon.
If there is anything that you would like me to write about, don't hesitate to ask and I will endeavour to deliver. Please sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of the page.
All the best
Niki x