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Baby Massage & Primitive Reflex Integration

Way back when my son was born, I was

fortunate enough to learn Baby Massage

from Cherry Bond, who introduced Baby

Massage into the UK.  Some 15 years ago or so, I

learned to become a Baby Massage instructor so

that I could teach other mums.  Now that I have

learned about primitive reflexes and how

important they are for normal development of

babies, I have developed a short massage

programme to teach the basics or Baby Massage

alongside the essentials of primitive reflexes and

an explanation of why these things are so

important for development.


This programme would be particularly useful for

babies who have had a traumatic or assisted delivery, or if they were born via cesarean section.  All of which can have a profound effect on reflex integration and therefore development as a whole.


Baby Massage is known to improve sleep, digestion and bonding.  We know that it improves oxygenation in premature babies and may promote a healthy immune response.  It will also help with things like proprioception which will help reduce anxiety.  It also helps you to become more confident in handling your baby.  You can begin at any age, but some parents prefer to wait until their baby is 6 weeks.  You are welcome to feed or change your baby, I have a kettle but not a microwave and if your baby is sleepy, I have a pretend baby that you can practice on, or you can just watch.  I will provide you with handouts that you can use at home.


Primitive reflexes are the movement patterns that all babies make that help with development.  They begin inside the womb  and trigger the baby kicks the you feel, they help with the birthing process, then help finding food, rolling, crawling and eventually walking.  Retained primitive reflexes can cause issues with emotional contro, vision, hearing, reading, writing and focus and concentration.


Book here to attend a course

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